Some Common Knowledge On Enlarged Lymph Nodes


Found Some Common Knowledge!

It is common knowledge that an enlarged lymph node usually means there is an infection in the area of the lymph node and the body is doing what it was designed to do, which is fight it off. Bacteria, viruses, debris, cancer cells, and other foreign substances that are in the lymph are filtered through the nodes.

When the nodes become overwhelmed they will begin to swell and enlarge. They can also become painful. The node will reduce in size when the infection has run its course or responds to treatment.

In the event of other health issues, it will remain large until treated successfully.

Harmless Swollen Lymph Nodes in the Body

There are 500-700 lymph nodes in the body and many of them will swell unnoticed as they do their job of protecting the body from harmful debris that is traveling through the body. The white blood cells will reproduce to fight off infections and when they are successful they will return to normal numbers and the swelling will be reduced. The white blood cells are known as lymphocytes. Harmless causes of enlarged lymph nodes include the following:

  • Minor bacterial
  • Mild viral infection
  • Some fungi

When the lymph node remains swollen and there are other health problems or symptoms, there could be a more serious cause for the swelling

Enlargement from Serious Health Issues

Not all lymph nodes will shrink down to their normal size, which is the size of a pea. Some will remain swollen and be an indicator there may be a serious health issue that will need to be addressed. Due to the seriousness of cancer, if that is the cause of a lymph node that remains inflamed, a medical professional should examine the node and do tests to determine the cause. Only a healthcare professional can accurately diagnose the cause of the swelling.

Some of the serious health issues:

  • Cancer
  • MRSA
  • Lymphoma
  • Syphilis

Some of the less serious causes include:

  • Chicken pox
  • Skin infection
  • Alcoholism
  • Cold
  • Infected tooth

Most of the time swollen lymph nodes are nothing to be concerned about, it is just the immune system doing its job. When there are other symptoms, medical care should be sought.

Schedule a Doctor Appointment

When a lymph node remains enlarged for over two weeks, is painful to the touch, hard, or the skin is red or inflamed an appointment with the doctor should be scheduled and the node should be checked by a doctor. Other indicators that a doctor should examine a lymph node include night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, and prolonged fever.

Relief from painful lymph nodes can be relieved with compresses and over the counter pain relievers.

4. The lymph node biopsy

I Got The Good Cancer

I had the lymph node biopsy on Thursday 11th July, just two days after seeing the haematologist.  On Tuesday night I had mentioned to my husband that tomorrow, I might call a friend who is a surgeon and works in the city.  My husband called him that night.  I was going to disguise his name for this blog, because I thought that was the done thing, but I figured if I am not going to insult him and I have his permission, why not use his real name?  Anyone who knows him would have worked out who I was talking about, and anyone who doesn’t know him still won’t know him when I mention his name.  His blog name was going to be Calvin Klein.  His name is Christian Kenfield, Mr Christian Kenfield.  Not a very creative disguise.

I worked with Christian at Geelong Hospital for several years beginning…

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How To Check Your Inguinal Lymph Nodes?

inguinal-lymph-nodesThe inguinal lymph nodes are located just below the inguinal ligament in the upper inner thigh near the pelvis. Medical experts categorize 10 of these nodes as superficial and five as deep inguinal lymph nodes. Just like lymph nodes in any other part of the body, their work is to filter and eliminate bacteria, viruses, and harmful germs that invade the body.


Inguinal lymph nodes may swell and cause a patient great discomfort. According to a report published by the Rhode Island Hospital, patients report experiencing a pain/ache, burning sensation, or pressure in the affected area. In addition, a visible bulge develops over the site of the swelling node. A person is likely to experience these symptoms after undertaking activities that increase abdominal pressure such as lifting heavy objects. Standing for long periods may also cause one to develop these symptoms. It is worth noting that figures published by the National Center for Health Statistics show that five million Americans experience swollen inguinal lymph nodes every year.


It is quite easy to check the groin area for inguinal nodes. Use your hand to feel the chain of nodes that run horizontally below the inguinal ligament. Extend your hand further down the groin area and feel the vertical chain of lymph nodes that run along the upper thigh. These are the areas where you will find inguinal nodes. Men are more likely (up to 10 times, according to a report published by to develop swollen inguinal nodes than women. The same report recommends seeking medical attention if one develops a tender and persistent lump in the groin area. Your doctor will evaluate your medical history and examine the swollen node. In some cases, these nodes may develop lymphoma (cancer of the white blood cells). It is important to note that there are 35 types of lymphoma (What Is Lymphoma: A Brief Guide), and a person may develop either Hodgkin’s or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.


If you experience swelling in the groin area, your lymph nodes may be the culprits. To confirm this, run your hand horizontally along the groin area below the inguinal ligament. If you come across swollen nodes, do not panic. However, seek medical attention if the swollen nodes do not subside after several days.


10 Ways Lymph Nodes Can Help You Live To 100


Not everyone wants to live to be 100 because there are visions of wrinkles, pills, tubes, and adult diapers. There was a time when people lived a simpler life, lived long, and were healthy until their last days. Even if you don’t want to live to be a hundred but want to live longer and healthier you can do so with the help of your lymph nodes. The fewer toxins in the body, the better health you’ll have. Moving lymph through the nodes to be filtered by the lymph nodes will keep the cells in the body healthy and clean.


When there is inflammation in the body the nodes are working harder to fight off pathogens and remove toxins. Inflammation from injury is often temporary but illness, disease, and infection (More about Infections – can cause chronic infection.


Massage can encourage the lymph to move through the body. This will allow the nodes to filter any pathogens out more quickly and feed the cells. Special training is necessary to do this type of message correctly and effectively.


Doing vigorous exercise can do this or it can be done doing deep breathing exercises or yoga. Oxygen is important to cellular health.


The muscles that are used during exercise will stimulate the lymphatic vessels to push the lymph through the nodes so that they can filter the pathogens. While the lymph washes over cells and cleans them it will also make sure the cells have the necessary nutrients.


A good laugh from deep in the belly will cause the lymph to be pushed through the vessels into the nodes where it can filter out any debris by causing pressure on the central lymphatic vessels. If you want to help make people laugh, check out “20 Ways to Make People Laugh!”


Blood vessels are located along side of the lymphatic vessels so when the blood vessels pump blood through the body it stimulates the lymphatic vessels. Moving lymph prevents fluid buildup.


Stress can cause the lymph to move sluggishly through the lymphatic system and the lymph nodes. The chemistry can cause lymph congestion.


Since the lymph is a fluid that goes through the body, hydration is very important. Dehydration can cause the lymph to move slowly from node to node.


Antioxidants will help keep the body free of pathogens and reduce the debris in the body that must be filtered through the lymph nodes. A good diet provides more nutrients for the body to use to maintain cell health.


Brushing the limbs with a dry brush in the direction of heart before a shower can encourage circulation. This should be done for about 5 minutes.

To find out more about lymph nodes can be found at When lymph doesn’t move through the body toxins can build up in the cells and aren’t nourished properly. Healthy cells contribute to a long and healthy life. When inflammation is present it can cause a large number of health issues that can shorten a person’s life span and quality of life, which makes it harder to make it to 100 years old.